Complete Guide to Maritime Injury Law with Gary M. Freeman, Injury Trial Lawyer

Maritime injury law, also known as admiralty law, governs personal injuries and accidents that occur on navigable waters. This specialized field of law is crucial for individuals who work at sea, including seamen, dock workers, and other maritime employees. The complexities of maritime law require a knowledgeable and experienced Houston Maritime Injury Lawyer to navigate the legal waters effectively. At Gary M. Freeman, Injury Trial Attorney, we have the expertise and dedication to handle these intricate cases and secure the compensation our clients deserve.

Why You Need a Houston Maritime Injury Lawyer

Injuries sustained at sea can be severe, often leading to long-term health issues and significant financial burdens. The Jones Act, the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (LHWCA), and general maritime l_2aw provide protections and remedies for injured maritime workers. However, claiming these benefits requires thorough legal knowledge and meticulous preparation.

Key Legal Protections for Maritime Workers

The Jones Act: This federal statute allows injured seamen to file claims against their employers for negligence. Under the Jones Act, an employer must provide a reasonably safe workplace and maintain the vessel in a safe condition.

Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (LHWCA): This act covers land-based maritime workers, including dockworkers and harbor construction workers, providing compensation for injuries sustained on the job.

General Maritime Law: This encompasses various doctrines, including maintenance and cure, unseaworthiness, and the right to a safe vessel. These doctrines protect seamen by ensuring they receive necessary medical care and living expenses until they reach maximum medical improvement.

Houston Injury Attorney: Expertise You Can Trust

When facing an injury, whether maritime or otherwise, having an experienced Houston Injury Attorney by your side can make all the difference. At Gary M. Freeman, Injury Trial Attorney, we specialize in personal injury cases, offering comprehensive legal services to those who have been wronged.

Types of Personal Injury Cases We Handle

Maritime Injuries: From slips and falls on deck to catastrophic accidents, we handle all types of maritime injury cases.

Motor Vehicle Accidents: Including car, truck, motorcycle, and pedestrian accidents.

Workplace Injuries: We assist with claims involving workplace accidents, including those covered by workers' compensation.

Product Liability: Cases involving defective or dangerous products that cause injury.

Premises Liability: Injuries that occur due to unsafe conditions on someone else's property.

The Process of Filing a Maritime Injury Claim

Filing a maritime injury claim involves several steps, each requiring detailed legal knowledge and attention to detail. Our team at Gary M. Freeman, Injury Trial Attorney, ensures that every step is handled meticulously to maximize your chances of a successful claim.

Initial Consultation and Case Evaluation

The first step is an initial consultation, where we evaluate the circumstances of your injury. We gather all pertinent information, including medical records, accident reports, and witness statements. This comprehensive evaluation helps us determine the best legal strategy for your case.

Investigation and Evidence Collection

A thorough investigation is crucial for building a strong case. We gather evidence such as maintenance records, safety logs, and any previous incidents on the vessel. Expert testimonies from maritime safety professionals may also be utilized to support your claim.

Filing the Claim

Once we have gathered sufficient evidence, we file the claim under the appropriate legal framework, whether it be the Jones Act, LHWCA, or general maritime law. This filing includes detailed documentation of your injuries, the incident, and the negligence or unsafe conditions that led to the accident.

Negotiation and Settlement

Many maritime injury cases are settled out of court. Our skilled negotiators work tirelessly to reach a fair settlement that covers your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any other damages incurred. If a settlement cannot be reached, we are fully prepared to take your case to trial.

Why Choose Gary M. Freeman, Injury Trial Attorney?

Choosing the right attorney is critical in a maritime injury case. At Gary M. Freeman, Injury Trial Attorney, we bring decades of experience and a deep understanding of maritime and personal injury law. Our commitment to our clients is unwavering, and we fight tirelessly to secure the maximum compensation possible.

Client-Centered Approach

We prioritize our clients' needs, ensuring they receive personalized attention and compassionate support throughout the legal process. Our team is always available to answer questions, provide updates, and offer guidance.

Proven Track Record

Our successful track record speaks for itself. We have secured substantial settlements and verdicts for our clients, reflecting our dedication and expertise in maritime and personal injury law.

Expertise and Resources

Our firm has the resources to handle complex maritime injury cases. We collaborate with top medical professionals, investigators, and maritime experts to build the strongest possible case for our clients.


If you or a loved one has been injured in a maritime accident, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance. Contact Gary M. Freeman, Injury Trial Attorney, for a free consultation. Let us help you navigate the legal waters and secure the compensation you deserve.


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